Lakeland, FL

Our highly advanced, efficient and eco-friendly equipment can heat large areas quickly. We then regulate the temperature to be sure the treatment is fast and effective!


Bed Bug Removal Service in Lakeland, FL

Hundreds of thousands of people vacation in Lakeland, FL, each year, blissfully unaware of the bed bugs that they are bringing with them. Those pests are notorious for clinging to suitcases, backpacks, clothes and countless other things that most people travel with.

So, what happens when someone unknowingly brings them from their home to their Lakeland, FL, hotel? The bed bugs will cling onto the hotel bed and then travel back with the next person that is unfortunate enough to have stayed in that same room. That is how easily bed bugs can spread from one person to the next.

Identifying a Bed Bug Problem in Lakeland, FL

So, how can you tell if you’re the victim of a bed bug infestation in Lakeland? Adult bed bugs are a reddish brown color, have six legs, no wings and are about the size of an apple seed. They become easier to spot after feeding, as they turn a bright red color and swelling up in size.

Detecting bed bug eggs can be a bit more difficult because they are extremely small and generally have a white color. If you have spotted bed bugs in your home, call Instant Bed Bug Assassins immediately because they can damage furniture, destroy property, contaminate food and spread harmful diseases to people and pets.

How to Eliminate Bed Bugs with Instant Bed Bug Assassins

IBBA uses an effective heat treatment to rid an area of pesky bed bugs. Heat is the most effective way to eliminate bed bugs in just one visit. Our Heat Assault system kills bed bugs in every life stage: adult bugs, pupae, larvae and eggs. It is safe for your family and proven to be more effective than traditional chemical spray treatments.

Bed bugs can hide in every nook and cranny, so it is critical to maintain a high temperature for several hours to ensure that the heat penetrates mattresses, box springs, furniture, walls and even the baseboards in every room in your home.

After the bed bug treatment has been completed and the bed bugs have been eliminated, you can enter your home immediately. Windows can be opened to help cool down your home at this time. This treatment will be completed and accomplished in only one visit.

Is a Bed Bug Treatment Safe?

Our bed bug treatment is 100% safe. It is environmentally friendly, contains no chemicals or toxins and has a 100% success rate. Thermal heat treatment is perfect for those with chemical sensitivities, such as young children and pregnant women and ideal for healthcare environments.

What is Involved in a Bed Bug Control Service?

Wondering how to get rid of bed bugs? First, you’ll start with a free Inspection for both residential and commercial properties. Your IBBA technicians will arrive in unmarked vehicles with specialized equipment, allowing for minimal exterior setup to respect your privacy.

Propylene Glycol heat extermination system from HEAT ASSAULT will be used during your extermination. This system delivers the most consistent and controlled supply of heat and has proven to be the most effective and safest way to get rid of bed bugs.

Two weeks after your treatment, our technicians will come back and inspect for any signs of an active infestation. Same-day re-treatment will be used if needed.

Contact IBBA For Safe and Reliable Bed Bug Services

If you’re experiencing symptoms of a bed bug infestation in the Lakeland, FL, area, contact us today for professional and efficient service. Instant Bed Bug Assassins has years of experience in treating bed bug infestation cases, so you will be in good hands. Contact us immediately to limit the damage caused by bed bugs.